November 10, 2008

Meeting Randy

I won’t bore you with all the details, but I got to meet Randy Travis on Friday.

After trying to get a picture with him since 1991, I finally succeeded.

I sat in on a question-and-answer session Randy held at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville.  I lucked up and got 1 of 100 vouchers to have an item signed by Randy after the interview.

When it was my turn, I introduced myself and told him a story about me requesting my favorite song, “Reasons I Cheat,” at a concert in 2007.  He remembered, and remarked that was the only time he’s ever included that song in a live show.

I thanked him for recording great country music, to which he seemed very gracious.

“Well thank you.  I appreciate that,” he said, stopping his autograph to look at me.

I told him I’d love to hear him cut some of the songs on a very early album he did under the name “Randy Ray.”  He seemed surprised I had the album, since only a few were printed.

“You know,” he said, “I haven’t listened to that record in so long.  We need to go back over that and pull some of those old songs we had back then.  I think we had “I Told You So,’ ‘Reasons I Cheat,’ and ‘Send My Body’ on that record.”

I agreed and named another song I thought was really good.

“Yeah, I forgot about that one,” he said.

At that point, I thanked him for meeting me, we took a picture, and parted ways.

So there you go.  He was very conversational and friendly.  He stands about my height.  His wife, Lib, was at the table listening as we spoke.

A great trip, and a great memory.  Thanks to Tristen for waiting for 2 hours in line with me, and taking the pictures.

Brandon & Randy

Brandon & Randy

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1 Response

  1. AB says:

    Oh my gosh. This makes me smile from ear to ear!!!