I found an interesting story on the streets of Florence, Alabama three years ago.
A big guy named Sam, making a living in the back corner of a smoky bar.
Shining shoes.
Sam was quite the character. But when I turned the camera on he didn’t have much to say. Turns out he was pretty shy whenever he got some attention.
I can’t count the times I saw his 7-foot frame slowly lumbering down the streets of downtown.
I heard today that Sam passed away on Saturday. It made me go back and watch this video.
Rest in peace, Sam.
I am working with the smoke house to get a memorial fund so to speak together for sam. What we want to do is have a month long wake called “hang your boots for sammy” ( or something like that) where everyone brings a pair of old shoes and hand them on sams station. This will end the last day of handy fest and all shoes collected will be (sterolized) and donated to an alabama tornado benefit. And a plaque donated in his name. Please spread the word to keep sams good character alive. Thank you.
Another great story Brandon! We miss you and your stories. Don’t be a stranger!
robin wade
and junior, I’ll try to help spread the word.