Spoken language is too limiting.
If I died in my house, my dog would probably eat me.
If my cats died while I was away, my dog would certainly eat them.
I am too critical when I think a friend is making a bad choice.
A healthy amount of openmindedness is priceless.
It should be illegal to show your feet in a restaurant.
People generally take themselves too seriously.
We change who we are more often than we notice.
At some point, the world will run out of places to bury people.
I get too angry when people steal my ideas.
Openmindedness is not a word.
Ignorance is bliss.
I sleep too much.
I tend to like weird people.
No one understands love.
There should be a limit on how many movies Hollywood can produce each year.
Our planet is a miracle.
My dog knows nothing of tomorrow.