May 1, 2009

Things I Remember About My Dream Last Night.

Mom asked me, “when is your hairline going to stop receding?”

I’m on a boat with my family.

It was my grandfather’s boat, but he had given it to me.

We were boating down the Amazon River, into a rain forest.

I pulled someone’s old cooler out of the river using an oar.

Mom was driving the boat, because I was shooting video.

She got us stuck in some sand, and I had to get us out.

I was worried we would still be in the rain forest when night came. “You don’t want to be in here at night,” I warned Dad.

Dad asked for a flashlight to examine something on the surface of the water. It looked like bubble wrap, laying across the river. Some sort of film. It was just thick enough to stand on. Dad was standing on it, and I said, “you’re walking on water.”

I looked at my sister and said, “This is a rain forest. That’s why I’m not getting in the water. There’s no telling what’s out there.”

After we docked, I raised the boat engine up too far and it scraped the ceiling.

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1 Response

  1. Mel says:

    you write things that help my brain relax. thank you.