Category: Short Stories



He could hear the water before he could see it. Roaring and pushing through the forest like an army. The...


When I Die

The day will come when I retire From my earthly shell and all I’ve acquired. They’ll lay me low in...


For What It’s Worth

At first he thought it was just the wind. Then he heard it again. It sounded like a rush of...



She sat on the front steps for a few minutes to catch her breath. The breeze blew her hair across...


What I Haven’t Been Up To

I hate when people ask what I’ve been up to. It’s such a default question. Starting today, I will not...


Hair On The Floor

His hands smelled like pennies. He smelled his palm and could taste it in his mouth. Outside the window, cars...


I’ll Have None of That

Carefully padding through the leaves, he saw nothing but a blanket of orange and brown over the forest floor. The...


The Destiny of Roadkill

I hate passing roadkill when I drive. It’s depressing. I can’t help but imagine the animal as a newborn baby....


Screw You.

Sometimes I’d like to heave my least favorite people onto a giant pile of burning tires. But that’s not why...